Our story

The DevResults company began as Caudill Website Design and Construction, Inc. After several years building websites for clients in the international development space, we noticed that we were building the same thing over and over again.

The programs we worked with faced similar challenges: They needed better tools to track their work, measure their impact, collaborate with their colleagues, and report on their progress.

Rather than organizations building their own custom software, we thought there might be a better way to solve this problem:

  • Software that was adaptable and not program-specific
  • A system that was reusable instead of disposable
  • A service that projects could subscribe to year-to-year, instead of making a huge upfront investment
  • A web-based platform that could be easily updated and continuously improved

In 2009 we stood up the first instance of DevResults. In 2011 the first USAID mission started using DevResults. In 2013 we went from three people to six, and diversified our client base beyond US-funded projects. In 2014, we handed off all non-DevResults contracts to focus exclusively on our flagship platform. The company grew to nine.

Today, DevResults is a small-by-design, fully remote and distributed company, with offices in Washington, D.C. and Barcelona, and staff in three time zones.

Our vision

As a company, we want to do good — good to one another, good to our users, good to the world.

Specifically, we want to democratize data so that development, humanitarian, and other social service professionals can monitor their activities, evaluate their impact, learn from their experience, and succeed in their work.

To do this, we provide tools and services that make data collection, management, visualization, analysis, and reporting more accessible to more people.

A younger Herb wearing glasses and a collared shirt looking offscreen

Herb Caudill

Founder | CEO

Herb wrote the first version of DevResults in 2009. Much of that code has since been rewritten by better programmers.

A data-visualization geek, a graphic designer, and a programmer, he has been building websites and software for international development organizations since 2000. Herb grew up in Panama and Ecuador, and worked in Africa for 5 years, first teaching high-school math with the Peace Corps in Gabon and Guinea, and then working on internet initiatives with USAID.

Herb lives in Barcelona with his wife and two young boys. These days his heroes include Mike Bostock, Edward Tufte, and Idelfons Cerdà. He is currently working on language #7 (Catalan) and has been trying to learn this Prokofiev Sonata for 27 years now.


Shane wearing glasses and a t-shirt looking offscreen

J. Shane Kunkle

Operations | Strategy | Engineering

Shane is in charge of day-to-day operations at DevResults, from HR to finance to infrastructure. He is also a top-notch software developer.

Shane graduated from Virginia Tech with honors in Computer Engineering and is a Microsoft Certified Professional in ASP.NET. His first professional lines of code were written for radar systems and high-speed buses at General Motor’s Forewarn group.

When he’s not working on DevResults, you can probably find Shane with his wife and three sons (!) somewhere outside, usually coaching youth sports or on his bike around Centennial Lake.


Smiling Brent looking offscreen

Brent Keller


Brent is an engineer at heart and loves building things to solve problems. Since he was a kid he has been taking things apart and trying to improve them. A perpetual learner and self-taught programmer with more than 20 years of IT and software development experience, Brent has found a desire to streamline and automate as much as possible.

Brent is a Pittsburgh native that enjoys playing ice hockey, bowling, hacking on side projects, trying new craft beers, and spending time with his wife, daughters, and dogs.


Leslie smiling and looking offscreen

Leslie Sage

Data | Implementation

Leslie is a data scientist with a passion for bringing order to chaos. Leslie helps new clients structure their program information, then builds and optimizes a DevResults site to fit their needs. She trains users in data management to make sure they can use results to make informed decisions. Her favorite work is creating custom solutions to integrate DevResults with other systems.

Leslie holds a Ph.D. in Microvascular Physiology at the University of Bristol in England. Her research took her to the Hospital for Infectious Diseases in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, where she collaborated with the Gates Foundation and Oxford University to develop a new way to study dengue infection.

Outside of work, Leslie enjoys hot weather, rock climbing, audiobooks, brunch, and several other mealtimes.


Ritika looking offscreen

Ritika Bhasker

Data| Implementation| Security

Ritika Bhasker is a data scientist with a background in global governance and political science. Ritika is passionate about using data to help identify and solve problems, and building out accessible ways to help others do the same.

Ritika holds a Masters in International Public Policy from University College London, with a focus on the effects of public goods provision in conflict resolution. Prior to DevResults, Ritika was a data scientist in residence at General Assembly and promoted electoral integrity around the world.

Outside of work, you can find Ritika at civic tech meetups in D.C. or writing about football (soccer)


Aasit in a crisp white shirt looking offscreen

Aasit Nanavati

Strategy| Sales

Aasit is passionate about developing strategies that lead to better decision making. Through his diverse experience in international development, he has acquired an appreciation for the power of information in driving social impact.

Prior to DevResults, Aasit worked in South-East Asia and East Africa with clients such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, USAID and the World Bank. He has supported health policy initiatives and scaled national public health campaigns. Aasit has lived in a diverse range of settings, from urban slums across Mumbai to rural villages in East Africa.

Aasit also co-founded an online marketplace supporting small share farmers and producers in the Philadelphia region. When he’s not selling vegetables, you can catch him exploring DC or cheering on the Philadelphia Eagles!


Reid looking offscreen

Reid M. Porter

Data | Implementation | Strategy

Reid is an M&E and ICT strategist and a former DevResults enterprise client himself. He is eager to help other users realize their dreams of managing fewer spreadsheets via email and aggregating indicator results while they sleep.

Prior to joining DevResults, Reid worked with several implementing partners and tech companies to reduce data friction between development and humanitarian actors. He's into open data, aid transparency, data ethics, and knowledge management. He's also an enthusiastic supporter of the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) and its potential to enable better learning, coordination, and collaboration between development actors.

Reid holds two degrees from The University of Texas at Austin—a Master of Public Affairs (MPAff) with a focus on international development from the LBJ School of Public Affairs and a Geography degree with a focus on Geographic Information Science (GISci).

Outside of work, Reid enjoys cold weather, consuming large quantities of Texas BBQ, and going hiking/camping/biking/etc. with his wife, daughters, and dog (see Maggie’s bio below).


Nathan with a freshly-trimmed mohawk looking offscreen

Nathan Gerhart


Nathan is a programmer with a soft spot for long-lived, maintainable systems. He finds joy making unobtrusive tools that help users change the world and do what they love.

He holds a Masters in Integrative Physiology from the University of Colorado at Boulder where he used signal processing techniques to analyze brain activity during sleep. Before joining DevResults, Nathan built tools for cognitive modeling, machine learning, wildfire risk assesment, natural disaster response, and software project management.

Nathan lives with his family in Longmont, Colorado, where there's ample sunshine, craft beer, year-round outdoor fun, and municipal gigabit internet. Besides being a Husband and Father, he has a few other accomplishments: he spent a couple of years on the US Nordic Combined Ski Team, completed a two-year General Studies degree in just five years, and is a proud alumnus of Fog Creek Software. He has never drank a cup of coffee nor tweeted.


Fred looking offscreen

Frederico Rodrigues Lima de Souza Pinto


Frederico (Fred) is an engineer who takes fierce pride in being able to build software tools. He finds joy in working with a good team to create quality software that makes users more productive and solves their problems.

He holds a Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering from CEFET-MG University in Brazil and is working on an advanced degree in Software Architecture for Distributed Systems. Before joining DevResults Fred worked on software for company stock options, health care and drill management in the oil and gas industry.

Fred lives with his wife in Canada. He's also lived in France and Malta and experienced great culture exchange opportunities and working remotely. When he is not working he likes to spend time talking with his wife or friends, hosting barbecues, drinking beer or wine, watching a good movie or any kind of sport. His favourite is playing or watching football (soccer). He also can be seen as an auxiliary kitchen chef when cooking some meals with his wife.


Maggie laying down in the grass, looking offscreen like a very good girl



Maggie (aka "Mags," "Magatron," "Magsopotamus," etc.) is our Chief Barketing Officer. She warms the floor and moistens palms at the DevResults office on a part-time basis.

Drop by our office to learn more about DevResults, and you can meet Maggie too! Come for the demo, stay for the doggo.
