Use GIS systems or GPS data to map M&E data


View your activies in their geographical context.

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monitor performance indicators in real-time and generate customizable reports


Capture data to measure your program's progress.

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Collaborate internally and with donors, and other partner organizations


Share a single source of truth for all program information.

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project management & reporting tool for international development organizations


Plan and implement your projects with easy-to-use tools.

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USAID is an M&E software client of DevResults
US Department of State uses DevResults software for monitoring and evaluation
Chemonics is an M&E software client of DevResults
GIZ uses DevResults
PwC uses DevResults
Winrock is an M&E software client of DevResults
US Global Development lab uses DevResults tools for managing MERL data
ABA ROLI teams use Devresults data collection, analysis, and beneficiary tracking tools
John Snow, Inc. uses DevResults
Feed the Children is a Monitoring & Evaluation software client of DevResults
Cordaid teams use Devresults data collection, analysis, and donor reporting tools
CDC uses DevResults
DT Global uses DevResults
Civicus uses DevResults monitoring and evaluation software
Project Hope uses DevResults for results and indicator data management
World learning uses DevResults for monitoring and evaluating performance data
IFDC uses DevResults for M&E data management
Raleigh International uses DevResults
Nathan Associates uses DevResults
Women's World Banking is a DevResults customer
Right to Play uses DevResults
Restless Development uses DevResults
United States Pharmacopeial Convention uses DevResults
Proximity International uses DevResults
National Democratic Institute uses DevResults
International Foundation for Electoral Systems uses DevResults
International Republican Institute uses DevResults
Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening uses DevResults
Management Sciences for Health uses DevResults
Research Triangle Institute uses DevResults
World Resources Institute uses DevResults
HelpAge uses DevResults
CorpsAfrica uses DevResults
Palladium International uses DevResults
Counterpart International uses DevResults
US Forest Service uses DevResults

DevResults is FedRAMP authorized.

DevResults is FedRAMP authorized

Since 2004, DevResults has been hosting web applications containing sensitive data for the World Bank, U.S. Government agencies, and the United Nations system. DevResults implements industry best practices to ensure the confidentiality and security of client data.

We have been FedRAMP-authorized since September 2021.